True, dont know if drunkenmafioso is still active to make one. otherwise im gonna create an account and make one myself. Although alcohol doesnt make you psychonautic, someone must have some great drunken stories
I know this forum is focuses on drugs, did plenty back in the day myself but there should be an alcoholic forum as well. Lots of folks turn from hard drugs to alcohol later in life.
Extremely addictive and yes as the other anon posted, people have died from withdrawing from benzos. Withdrawals are horrible, much like being addicted to heroin or alcohol (sleep deprivation, panic attacks, uncontrollable shaking, the feeling of being physically sick, not able to eat, not able to think properly, weakness, horrible anxiety, deep depression, etc). Would not recommend them. Benzos are simply very mild tranquilizers. At normal doses they make you feel very relaxed and calm. When you abuse them you can get incredibly inebriated, you feel an intense sense of bliss, and nothing in your mind or anything around you makes you have a care in the world, almost like numbing your mind from any worry, sense of responsibility or bad emotion. Then, eventually, you blackout. You wake up hours later, you could have passed out anywhere, anytime, without knowing it or remembering what exactly happened. It feels so good, you inevitably go back for more until you get hooked.
Good to hear nothing happened to you, if I'm not mistake Jordan Peterson almost died from benzos
Don't touch benzos man, it's the nastiest over the counter drug I've heard about. Rumor has it, super addictive and terrible withdrawals. Literal poison from the farma industry
Should be one for Benzos too. Years ago I had an addiction to doing benzos, I would crush up the little white 1mg pills, sniff them like a line of cocaine and chase them with double shots of vodka. It would get me so zonked out my skull! Next day I'd wake up like "what the fuck happened last night?" It was fun, but kinda dangerous looking back on it.
I used to do coke back in the day, knew two dealers residing in two different towns. Makes you feel really, really good. However, the comedown absolutely sucks ass. Think of it this way: your mood is like a stable line. When you do cocaine your mood goes way up, high. You become very social and have an extreme feeling of fun and confidence at the same time. Notorious drug for getting laid. Once the effect wears off, about 25 minutes in, then you start to feel anxiety and panic. Your mood is crashing down to what it once was, although it feels like hell. There are two ways to curb or slow the comedown, either you start drinking some alchohol or you have another bump of cocaine. Alchohol does help the comedown, it will relax some of the intense feelings you get coming off the cocaine. All in all, it's a bad drug. Very expensive. Very addictive. Short life span. Feels absolutely wonderful, but only for a small period of time.
We need a subtopic for the coke too!
Holy smokes. That's a lot of variants. Didn't even know that many drugs existed.
Once I had some ritalin mini pills. Snorted so much over a couple of days that my snot was blue for a week after
Fascinating how chemicals can change perceived reality in so many ways