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Topic SuggestImprovement
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A room intended for user feedback. Leave a post if you have any suggestions to improve the site.
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Thank you. It's a good idea
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update: limited capacity anon posting should be working now. In any of the major browsers.
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Thank you for the tip. Yeah the feature is being revorked atm because someone posted illegal content. It should be working again with limited capacity shortly until a complete revorked is rolled out. Cheers,
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Anonymous posting is not working. Just directs to a blank page.
Any browser requirements for anon posting?
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add RSS support
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Yeah that's probably true. Though, some may want to edit with the intention to hide the original post. Serious consideration about the pros and cons of this is justified.
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As of now spam posts can be moved from a topic into a more appropriate one. In addition, moderators of a topic have the ability to hide posts they believe to be spam or of topic. 

Any user can create any topic about anything at all. Hence there should not be a need for posting of topic.
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if it ever is added, there should be a way to view the original post before the edit.
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Yes good idea. This will be implemented, though it is lower on the priority list and may take some time. Until then, you will have to center you image before uploading.
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Such events sure sounds fun. However there are no plans regarding this atm.

Wrt. to editing. The concern is that people can reply to posts. If a post is edited away from its original meaning this would be a problem.

What do you think. Should you be able to edit posts?
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Also, could we get a way to center our profile pictures? Mine is cut off a bit.
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Will you guys do stuff like April fools jokes or any other kind of fun little stuff with the site? And have you thought about adding an edit button for comments?
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How would you deal with spam and off topic posts/brigading?
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alright great. Though there is still a point to be made about the voluntariness of the system. Whether or not nsfw content is shown on the font page is up to users who create the topic rooms. A better solution probably exists.
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Oh, nevermind! That is what I've been talking about. It seems to work pretty well so far.
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Thanks. That's a good idea. Could you elaborate on how you would want this feature to work?  

Atm there is a nsfw switch for moderators of a topic. That is, a moderator of a topic can turn on nsfw on that particular topic. This results in: 
i) posts of that topic never shown as random posts on the front page.
ii) the topic will never appear under trending topics.

However, I suspect you are thinking of a site wide nsfw switch?
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What do you think about adding an NSFW switch? Recently there has been quite a lot of NSFW in trending topics, so I thought it'd be nice to have it hidden by default (but still accessible in a few clicks).
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You got it. It is now possible to add an 'about me' description for your user profile. The functionality still needs styling, so expect layout to change in the future. Any suggestions to that end is appreciated. Cheers,
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