Any suggestions for improvements are highly appreciated. Whether it be functionality or design, anything goes.
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Topic Depvana
Public room public room
Moderators •   w10
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companies > Depvana
Purpose • 
This is the official topic room of Feel free to post anything related to depvana. In the subtopics you can find rooms specifically for: *) Support *) Bug report *) suggest improvement About Depvana On Depvana each topic serves as a digital room where users can post content and engage each other. A new topic is created as a subtopic to an already existing topic and should be related to this parent topic, but of more specific nature. Thus clicking down through a topic's subtopics should yield increasingly more specific topics. No account varification is necessary and anonymous accounts are allowed. Happy posting.
Visible to the public Public post
Attachments • images • webm video • max size 4096KB.
Attachments • images • webm video • max 4MB.
WebM video upload is now supported. Let us know if you find any bugs.
A first version of the announced Hashtag-System is now live. It is now possible to add hashtags to any post or topic.
As requested. Search now yields both topic and post results.
We have had a few inquiries from people who would like the possibility to post an image without adding any message. 

This has always been possible by typing an empty space in the text field. However, this is now possible without any "hacks".
Private rooms are live. In addition, minor layout changes have been made.
ATM: We are testing some aspect of upcoming private rooms. Expect some turbulence. Apologies for any inconvenience
Planned upcoming features:
i) protected, private topic rooms
ii) additional filtering and listing options when searching for topics.
iii) notification when someone replies to a post of yours.
Planned upcoming feature: 
i) A hashTag system. Users will be able to attach hashtags to posts and topic rooms. Should make it easier to find  specific content.