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Topic BugReport
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A room for bug reporting. Leave a post to report a bug. Be as specific as possible
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Thanks, tech support is on it. Should be fixed soon
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As you see ""\&"" cannot be rendered XD
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I meant to write "&"
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"&" is popping up some places. I assume it might be incorrect rendering of "&" due to some issues with escaping?
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This is caused by our security system that clean input to prevent cross site scripting and sql injections. 

In this case the system is too aggressive and the symbols will be allowed soon.
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Thanks, should be fixed now with effect next update(later tonight).
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If a post is removed and then replied to, the content of the removed post can be seen by hovering over the "in reply to: postxxxx". As seen in thread: https://www.depvana.com/topic/80
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Thank you. We will look into it.
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Greater than and less than symbols do not display.
> < is shown instead.
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