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Topic Alcohol
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Yeah baby, anything alcohol.
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Never been a drinker myself but it's always facinating to hear peoples experience with it. So many people are abusing alcohol it's crazy. The allure of it must be real. In spite of its addictiveness, where I'm from a beer is considered soft drink.
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For those who wish to know what life as a binge drinker can be like, and what kind of crazy experiences it could lead to, I would recommend watching an older movie called "Wake In Fright" from 1971. Although not based on a true story, as someone who has experienced a lot of binge drinking myself, I can assure everyone this movie was very realistic when it came the storyline and acting all revolved around binge drinkers.
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I really could add a lot to this thread, I have some personal stories that are rather humorous (and demoralizingly pathetic too). I'll think about posting some at a later time but I'll have to exclude or obfuscate names for privacy sake. I don't want anyone else lurking here who might easily identify who I am either.

I've had a long past indulging in binge drinking. I've known people who died from it, ruined lives, some people I know today who are now suffering health problems over the years from binging. Talking mostly hard booze, not so much beer.

I'm an alcoholic myself. Duhhh! Still drink but I'm an "every other night" drinker. Half a bottle a whiskey is a decent occasional night time "fix" for me, but I do not touch booze during day time hours. Unlike many others I have known. Regardless I still like to indulge and have accepted my addiction and the outcome of suffering deteriorating health because of it.

During my lifetime I've tried the following drugs: marijuana, prescription narcotics, benzos, crack rock, cocaine, amphetamine, shrooms and huffing ether. I've personally know other people who did all that, and much more too.

What may seem ironic to many here is, out of all those drugs I have done in my past, I enjoy hard liquor the most even though it is by far the most mundane peasant drug. You drink enough booze and it basically substitutes as a narcotic (same for addiction). Stating the obvious fyi. A gradual shot here and there can give you more energy. It can make you feel pretty good and also makes you more social. In  *moderation*  it is easier to control your behavior than using most other hard drugs. You also become well aware once you get into 'tipsy' territory so you can slow it down, if need be. Plus, it's legal and rather cheap.

Alcohol does however, like any other hard drug, includes risk when abused. There are times when abused people deeply embarrass themselves by their actions. You could do something that gets you into serious legal trouble with the law. Alcohol is just another hard drug after all. It is certainly not the drug of choice for everyone, and can impact some more severely than others. Although to be fair, there are plenty far more dangerous hard drugs out there.