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Topic LSD
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Moderators •   DrunkenMafioso
Depth •  Drugs > Psychonaughtics > LSD
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LSD trip stories
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I have never tried LSD nor ever wanted to. Although I have had friends who have done it. Some, a whole lot. One person I know who used to do it a lot, an old timer today, used to do it back in the early 70s and he said he would drink a ton of beer while tripping on acid and not get drunk from beer or hard liquor ironically. He said to me once "you can't even feel alcohol while you're on acid!" Another dude I knew, and have not talked to him for ages, used to be a brilliant mathematician who had a job in nuclear physics. Anyway, that dude dropped so much acid over the years he could no longer do his job and became almost illiterate when it came to solving math problems. He said dropping too much acid over the years ended up ruining his career.