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Thx this adds to my suspicion that this concept is hard to find a definition for.
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Interesting indeed
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I don't know much at all but from the last 3 verses of the chapter, it seems to me that whenever this mark of the beast is implimented that the ability to buy and sell will be made harder or simply won't be allowed to do these at all if one doesn't have the mark of the beast. I don't know when this will be and from the chapter this seems to be a time when a dragon will be worshipped. 

Revelations 13:16-18 KJV
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
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Gradually, I have again and again stumbled upon the saying "mark of the beast". Many people have their view of what it means, but as far as I can gather, it originated from the Bible. Anyone here well versed in the Bible who can enlighten me in the actual meaning? 

Note I found a description here: https://emmausinstitute.net/library/blog/post/what-is-the-mark-of-the-beast/#:~:text=Just%20as%20many%20may%20not,%2C'%20thus%20the%20popular%20connection 
Is that somewhat correct?
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Sounds promising I will definitely give it a try if I get the chance
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The SSPX really strengthened my faith. I highly recommend anyone (who is able) to travel the distance to attend a traditional Mass offered by them. It opened up a whole new depth of understanding the faith to me, and I owe so much to their helpful priests. Thank God for the SSPX.
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In a opinion, what is the most believable part of Soren Kierkegaard's interpretation of the prayer and what is the least believable part of Soren Kierkegaard's interpretation of the prayer? as God cannot change, as God is infinite and not bounded by time nor chance nor spaciality. Maybe when one prays he or she is asking for guidance from God and God gives what should be given in exchange for the faith that is provided to God. Maybe like a trade with God, faith for virtue . Is there a saying that states that wisdom is far greather than strength? Then I might add onto this: faith is far greater than wisdom is far greater than strength. That is just my opinion though.
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Link to soren kierkegaard's interpretation of the prayer. Maybe the prayer is not to influence god, but rather to influence the prayer himself. Perhaps hearing god's calling, is not a calling from god, but his own inner voice of what he believes god would have told him.
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I will continue my analysis of the song "Let My Life Be Worship" by Bethel Music.

"I hear you calling". This is an example of GEP, Goodassuming Ego Phonomenon. As it assumes that the listener of the song hears God calling, though it is ambiguous especially since the "you" is lowercase. I think a term should be made in order to describe a vagueness between the word "you" and God in Christianesque songs, God pronoun ambiguity (Gopa) "The ambiguity of a pronoun that could possibly be in referrence to God". This also makes me wonder whether or not the lowercasemaking of the you was accidental or on purpose. As in English, a capitalization of the word God is grammatically necessary in order to show that the "you" of the sentence is God and not something else. 

I think the quote also assumes that God is calling the listener. Which is not always the case, God sometimes has people wait to be called. Job had to wait for the Lord's calling, Moses had to wait 40 years to get out the wilderness in order to get to the Lord's calling. This might make the listener haste or rush the Christianization process, which takes the course of one's entire life, it takes a life's worth of time in order to understand the whole bible, I myself don't understand most of the bible to this day. It takes years to let alone remember all the things one ought to do. Assuming that God is calling you immediately is not a very wise thing to assume in my opinion. It might even make some lose their faith if they think that God is going to respond to their needs immediately or within an instance. I think that God does let His people wonder off without guidance for some time. This doesn't mean that God isn't with us, it just means that God lets us sin even when God is right with us, as God is always with us even if He doesn't interact with us for years or longer.

I apologize, I just reread it and it actually the word you actually is capitalzied, my fault.
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Definitely interesting!
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The main reason why I think Bethel Worship is worshiping itself rather than God is because of the vagueness of the songs. Here is an example that I think demonstrates this:

Let My Life Be Worship by Bethel Music
"This moment is holy" 

1. the phrase assumes that the moment of the listener is holy. If the moment of the listener is holy then how did it become holy? Was the listener being holy? Even though this doesn't answer that question, I think it points in the direction of oneself making the moment holy.
I think there is a term that describes a similar phenomenon:

Goodassuming Ego Phenomenon - the phenomenon of something assuming that the situation or context surrounding oneself is good regardless of the amount of awareness or knowledge of the situation or context surrounding someone.

The website I found this term is, http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/goodassuming-ego-phenomenon

For the purpose of shortening I will refer to Goodassuming Ego Phenomenon as GEP. 

I hope that Bethel Music stops making music that I think is self-worshipping.