Made a subtopic for top 5 -- Christmas edition
Made a subtopic for top 5 -- Christmas edition
Nice, I will definitely be seeing them then
The original (1974) Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Blue Velvet (1986) movies are must watch classics. Two movies everyone should see before they die. Deliverance (1972) is another great one. Desolation (2017) and Dog Day Afternoon (1975) would also be hightly recommended.
It's surprising how many people I've heard say they think taxi driver is one of the top 5 movies of all times. Personally, I think it's barely above average. Maybe I'm just not sophisticated enough to appreciate its appeal.
Director Nicolas winding refn top 5 favorite: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre – Tobe Hooper Apocalypse Now – Francis Ford Coppola Blue Velvet – David Lynch Taxi Driver – Martin Scorsese The Man Who Fell to Earth – Nicolas Roeg
Quentin Tarantino's top 3 Brian de palma - blowout howard hawk - rio bravo Martin Scorsese - taxi driver source -
Content creator "the critical drinker"'s top 5: Saving private ryan Falling down Big trouble in little china Back to the future Lord of the rings (felloship of the ring)
Never seen it. Will give it a watch
Last Stop In Yuma Country was a really good modern movie too. Definately worth watching, and no politics in that one ;)
Sounds good gonna check them out, thanks
If you enjoy the Dirty Harry film series you might also like the Kojak films too (1973 - 1990), similar bad ass cop theme, crime solving, action packed and suspensful story lines. The first movie of this series inspired a TV show it was so good, with all the same actors.
I know it was popular but I still think it was completely overrated. Much like Robocop was back in the 1980s.
Never seen dirty harry until now. Awesome movies, and somewhat funny too.
Not at all, your post are very welcome here. Good recommendations are always in high demand.
Blasphemy! The Matrix is a groundbreaking movie that has given rise to countless culture memes and references. Well deserving of being in top 5. Matrix 2 and 3 were hella bad though:P
Hope I am not derailing this topic at all, but I wish to add five MODERN movies that are a must see (most of them indie films): Summer of '84 (2018), Desolation (2017), Nebraska (2013), Leave The World Behind (2023) and Citizen Four (2014).
The Godfather was a great classic movie series. Highly recommend. But.... muh Matrix??? I dunno anon, I thought that movie was the most overrated movie of all time. I honestly thought The Matrix sucked balls after I saw it lol.
These are the ones I can think off just now. not in any order: # The godfather # The Matrix # There will be blood - Paul Anderson # Ex-machina - Alex Garland # Bleeder - Winding refn
Sweet! Thought I was the only one with pi(1998) in top 5. Great list gonna check out the ones I haven't seen. Thanks for the link to endchan, I'm always on the lookout for good movies. With what is produced by holywood atm, I find myself revisiting earlier works in the hope of finding something good I haven't seen yet.
That is a hard question because I have seen A LOT of classic movies... I'll name five classics from the top of my head that stand out.... #1 Pi (1998) #2 The Sugarland Express (1974) #3 The Last Stop In Yuma County (2023) #4 River's Edge (1986) #5 The Dirty Harry films (1971 - 1988) Keep in mind these are just some of my favorites I recommend, not in any order. There are plenty more great films out there if you dedicate lots of time and effort to find them. Endchan /b/ has a thread with a lot of good ones:
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