That's real. Situations like that can be hardcore
That's real. Situations like that can be hardcore
I'm glad my parents didn't. When I was 10 years old I told them they should get a divorce already because I was sick of them constantly fighting. It also proved to me marriage was not worth it after all the court battles and all.
Some are actually assholes IRL, they feel they are better than other people, sometimes these are the bully types. Others simply do it because they are bored and they get a kick out of people overreacting. I do my best to simply ignore these idiots, knowing most of what they say is not true and glad they are not in my immediate life anyway so nothing hateful they say will hurt me in any way.
heh, still better be to invest the energy to something else, eventually we kept friends status, so i guess it's a little win lol xD
Lulz;) but hey, you never know before you try it. Many exes ends up back together
"im gonna stalk my ex for an year to make her love me again, what can possibly go wrong?" me, before a year of pointless activity
Agreed, how did those online trolls even get there in the first place? I wonder if someone could make a poll or statistic about the main reasons for why online trolls do what they do. I don't know, but my guess is that they have been trolled themselves and wanted to get rid of the shame of being trolled by trolling others. I don't know, they're could be tons of different reasons why at least I think.
Talking to hateful online trolls was a mistake I have made. I learned people should simply ignore them. It is better for our sanity and eventually the trolls get bored and go away once their bait fails repeatedly.
When I was 5 or so I may or may have not had trouble with a plug not staying in a outlet and I maybe put tin foil around the plug to try keeping it in place causing a IRL flashbang.
Bombs are cool, thats a good idea:p
As a kid I tried to make a bomb multiple times. I just thought it'd be cool, no malicious intent :\