Information Trading, I believe that a thought should be bought and sold for a thought, rather than gving out thoughts without a price, that is why if anyone would like to know anything about the anonymous source that gave me information. A finanath according to a source of anonymity is a thought that is a direct response to the previous comment of the other dialoguer within a dialogue, or a question that contains a verb and a proper noun. I run the account but the source tells me what to stay, I usually trade; 1 finanath for 1 finanath, or X amount of finanath for X amount of finanath, because the anonymous source believes in supply and demand, so therefore that markets are not controlled by ratio but rather demand for a product (in this case, finanath). A mention, I have is that if a posessor of some or a finanath of mine, provides Y amount of finanath to someone and gives it to them for free finanath or less than what they originally paid for. Then, there is a high chance that I will post Y amount of that someone's finanath publicly to, in my opinion; keep the deals fair.