>>Let us know if you find any
ofc, sure!
>>Perhaps we should create it, is that something you would be interested in?
i will be definitely interested, but i guess all of my skills are completely unapplicable to such a project: i'm mostly programming on c++ and conducting math.DG/gr-qc research irl :). anyway, we can try to do smth with that, you can write me on "GR5oxbnxFzzARQAS at protonmail dot com".
>>Also how would you like such a place funded?
paying monthly/annualy with crypto sounds not that bad, but.. i am thinking about no-funded decentralized open-source solution, hosted by enthusiasts. maybe smth like torrent over i2p, optimized for repositories. obviously it would be much harder to support and develop, yet such a thing can be interesting for IT community, bounded in Github chains.