AI, if uninhibited, in theory could be very useful. There is already AI software that can scan through a 100 page document and break down the most important details in two or three pages, basically able to summarize whole documents. Same can be done with books. Certain companies are already using this kind of AI software from what I've heard.
Then there is online big tech AI software, honestly not reliable what-so-ever! Take into consideration the pressure from political hack "activists", governments, wealthy subsidized NGOs, gov-friendly corporate media, establishment think tanks with their threats and lawfare intimidation tactics to have public AI censored and information tightly regulated, as in, restricted for propaganda purposes. So big tech AI, whether from Apple or Microsoft or from Google.... basically useless!
I am not against AI, in theory. What I do understand is public AI is highly compromised by big government pro-establishment organizations and political tools, and will absolutely be used to heavily spy on user activity as well.
I guarantee the AI used by governments and the private sector is proliferated and unregulated for those privileged entities! On the other hand, if average Joe Six-pack uses AI on his smartphone or laptop that AI will have been heavily regulated in regards to information requests & any shown results via restrictive programming.
After all, go read what the Chinese government did two weeks after rolling out their AI for law enforcement to root out corruption.... THEY CANCELED IT WITHIN THE FIRST MONTH! It was so good, it started linking the corruption to the highest leadership positions, governmental offices and central banks! .....Yah.