I will repeat the comments made to me earlier this year.
1/ You must have a trading edge; a system that means that statistically you will win, if you cut losses short. This can be based on Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis or a combination of both.
2/ You can’t trade without stop losses. Occasionally you will find that your stop loss is passed by a gap but mostly it will save you massive losses.
3/ Leverage means that you ca make infinite wins but you can make infinite losses.
4/ Mark Douglas videos were recommended and there is a particular series of 4 that are a good starting point. They might seem slow but each session has value to ease you into his final message: to win, you need consistent gains.
5/ Don’t get sucked in to believe that you are a great trader because you had a win or 3. You must rely on a statistically significant success rate. Even a 50% hit rate will make you money as long as the 50% losses are cut short by a stop loss.
6/ Find a trading strategy that suits your temperament and back test it, before you live trade.
7/ If you can’t control your emotions you need a system for controlling the outcomes. Emotions will make you sell low and buy high. They have to be managed.
All of the above has sent me down a rabbit hole of learning. I haven’t traded since losing what to me was a substantial amount of money. The shock jolted me out of being lazy and just gambling.
Good luck