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Yes, and the US military recruitment rates suffer badly as a result of Israel getting us into so many wars the last couple decades. If there is one thing I am glad about it is the strong anti-war sentiment of the US population. Everyone is getting sick and tired of these Zionist neo-cons and their wars. Hopefully Trump will put an end to the wars if elected although I am aware he is pro-Israel so we'll wait and see.

By the way, another news update, Israel is now aware Iran has hypersonic missile technology, may have been produced from Russia. The US and Israel currently have no defense against Russia's hypersonic missiles. Both Russia and China have come out with a stern warning to the US and Israel not to go to war with their strategic BRICS ally, Iran. This is what could spark a potential for massive war and economic instability. I would definitely consider stocking up on essential goods, including extra fuel. Have some extra supplies for the winter too. The gas prices are going to go way up if there is a major war in the Middle East. I just bought more diesel tanks the other day to store more diesel for my truck, should have around 250 gallons of extra diesel by next week for my carport. Also looking into a diesel generator too. Already have a propane one and stocked up on propane.
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Finally something I agree with Macron on.
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Macron: “Too much regulation and not enough investment will kill the EU.”
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Wow I missed Iran actually did some damage. Don't know if other arab countries lack the strength to help iran or they are too scared. I am curious about the arab strategy here. Seems like isreal will continue expanding its territory until stopped.

Good article. I too believe israel will definitely strike again. Guess israel want to secure the full backing of the states before proceeding. Sickening with all the conflicts and wars israel starts and then begs America to fund it with treasure and american lives.
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Iran finally did something, although only about 20% of the missiles hit their designated targets (all military targets). Still, an Israeli air base with F-35 jets was hit and destroyed. Mossad is mad as hell now. Israel will probably strike Iran in the coming days, and Iran has shut down it's air space. Problem is, this is going to cause a massive regional war, and we will see the neo-con establishment drumming for the US to intervene. Well I am SICK of these wars, I absolutely will not be participating in any way. I could give a shit what happens in the Middle East or Ukraine for that matter. These are government squabbles and as far as I'm concerned fuck all these corrupt governments. Problem is, this will impact economic stability and gas prices, very badly.

Here is a news update from Hal Turner, a dude who is kinda on page with the way I think about everything:
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Guess the war was only a scare. While israel bombs the s... out of it's neighboring countries the arab world does nothing in retaliation.
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THE insane men who risk plunging the West into another dangerous deadly world war:
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If we do end up in a major war I'm hunkering down in my homestead with my preps by my side. There is really nothing worth fighting for these days, its not like We The People have much of a say anymore it seems and its not like our government values our Constitutional freedom anyway. Here is hoping something both MAGA fans and pro-gaza progressives can see eye to eye. Let the Middle East duke it out without us, same for Ukraine/Russia war, or the Yemen terrorists vs corporate cargo fiasco, or Taiwan vs China, whatever. If we had good leadership and decent diplomats none of this shit would have happened in the first place.
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Taiwan company Gold Apollo denies having sold pagers directly to hizbollah. They have a partnership with a Budapest based company BAC Condulting KFT who allegedly sold the pagers to hizbollah.
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Holy smokes this shit is wild. Any info on the devices other than the pagers. The israelies can't possibly have placed explosives in them all right? I guess it's possible to remotely hack those devices and cause the battery to burn. This is next level stuff. Buckle up for war
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Second Wave Of Deadly Cyber Attacks In Lebanon! Phones, Radios, Solar Panels (Etc) ALL Exploding!

As of 10:56 AM EDT on 18 September, numerous reports are flooding-in, saying electronic devices are AGAIN exploding in Beirut, and throughout other areas of Lebanon.  It appears this may be a "Round 2" Israeli attack.

Apparently, many of the devices exploding were left at home and in cars. Buildings and cars throughout Beirut are now erupting in fires after the devices explode.

WALKIE-TALKIES, CELL PHONES and HOUSEHOLD SOLAR PANELS are among the devices remotely detonated!

It is important to make clear the following:

The pagers that exploded in Lebanon were not solely used by Hezbollah resistance fighters; employees of Hezbollah's institutions, which include civilians, also used them.

It's important to note that Hezbollah is a political party (part of the Lebanese government) and it operates various civilian institutions, such as schools, hospitals, and media outlets.

Consequently, this attack did not target soldiers exclusively, but civilians as well.

So widespread and indiscriminate are these Israeli attacks, that even CELL PHONE STORES are seeing their phones blowing up, and setting the stores on fire!  Israel's attack is so indiscriminate, it is also causing SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS in homes to detonate!

Update: Several buildings caught fire and are burning after their DIGITAL SECURITY SYSTEMS blew up!!!

The Lebanese Civil Defense Agency has stated that at over 60 Buildings as well as 15 Cars and Motorcycles caught Fire today (SO FAR) across the Country, as a result of the Explosion of Hundreds of Two-Way Walkie-Talkies and Fingerprint Devices used by Hezbollah.

Over a Dozen of the Wounded from today’s Pager Attack are reported to be Lawmakers in the Lebanese Parliament, specifically Members of the Hezbollah Party.

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How Mossad Pulled Off A Massive Deadly Cyber Attack Against Hezbollah

Several people are dead on the streets in Beirut after Israel hacked Hezbollah communication devices all across Lebanon, causing their batteries to explode!

Multiple injuries have so far been reported across Lebanon, including in Dahiye, Beirut, after communications devices exploded in the pockets - or in the hands - of people connected to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Now that Comms are taken out, it is likely an Israeli invasion of Lebanon will commence within hours.

Israeli media reports that Hezbollah's entire encrypted internal communications network is down.

With Hezbollah communications now out, it seems likely to most observers that Israel will commence a full scale invasion of southern Lebanon within hours. The thinking is that Israel shut down the comms before the assault begins.

HOW IT WAS ACCOMPLISHED: Arab intelligence services have found out how Mossad placed explosives in pager batteries.

Each battery of the exploded pager contained about 20 grams of pentaerythritol nitrate (PETN).

This high explosive is usually used in military detonators. It is similar to lithium salts used in batteries of electrical appliances. Therefore, even a thorough check by the Arabs did not find anything.

Israeli saboteurs used it in the following way: Upon a specific signal, the pagers began to short and heat up their lithium-ion batteries, but instead of burning, the battery exploded due to the PETN.

Mossad (Israeli intelligence) placed the mined batteries in the last batch of pagers that arrived in Lebanon from Taiwan (an ally of the United States).

Now the number of victims has increased to ~4,000 people. ~500 of those are critically injured.

Authorities in Iran report that at least one Security Officer protecting an Iranian Ambassador, fell victim to an exploding cell phone and this has prompted Iran to begin considering if the death of Iran's President, in a helicopter crash, was actually an assassination by Israel?

One source tells me they are now looking at the cell phone of the helicopter pilot to see if his phone may have been detonated, causing the pilot to lose control and crash the Presidential Helicopter.

Lebanese media report that the son of Hezbollah MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, Ali Ammar, has been killed by an exploding pager. Iran's ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, was also injured by the beeper explosion.

If Israel can use this technology against Hezbollah, it is common sense that others make seek to make use of such technology to start killing other people in other places. Perhaps officials in government? Rivals in business? Industry competitors?

What about Journalists? Has this technology already been used to silence Journalists?

This may literally mark the end of the use of cellphones by vast numbers of people.
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According to a neo-con in Congress, Ukraine has Trillions $$$ worth in natural resources and rare earth minerals. That is probably the only reason those people care about Ukraine. They don't care about the people, it's all about the money they can profit off them at their expense.
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As far as I can tell, the announcement did not come to fruition. Instead we get Zelenskyj on a coke fueled rage tour over being denied this option. They probably deemed the potetial of nuclear escalation to big of a risk.

I have never understood why America is so interested in ukraine anyway. Why throw unlimited tax money after a foreign local dispute. There is probabably some strategic interest in Ukraine I don't know about.
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Going to war with Russia is national suicide. I won't partake in any of it if our governments decide to be that stupid. It might even lead to nuclear world war. I would recommend being prepared for the worst case scenarios and do not expect anyone to come bailing us out from a societal collapse:
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UK to Likely Greenlight Kyiv Strikes on Russia with Storm Shadow Cruise Missiles

Unnamed British officials reportedly “indicated” to The Guardian that a decision had already been made to allow Ukraine to conduct deep strikes in Russia using British Storm Shadow cruise missiles.

Guys we may be in for a bumpy ride!