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Topic personal rooms
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The place for users to make a personal topic room for whatever. Rooms for user formed guilds are also fine.
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Splendid! You are more than welcome to make yourself at home here. The idea is, as you touched upon, to decummunalize the internet experience. I wanted a digital room to store personal stuff such as media, missives, notes or other thoughts. And for file storage when the site admins gets it implemented.

With subtopics you can structure your digital room pretty efficiently I think. While having the ability to grant other users access to selected parts of your room (or revoke of cause).
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I absolutely love this idea! It decommunalizes the internet experience! In my opinion, I don't think it is normal for the entire world to know my conversations with people. Imagine I am talking in my home with a friend and the whole number of people on the interent can know exactly what I am saying. That  doesn't seem normal at all. Unfortunately, I have spent a portion of time on the internet living without a permeanent home and I might build my home just right here because of how much I love this idea! How did the maker of this idea come up with this idea?