I was buying silver when it was only $12 per oz. Typically you can find pre-1964 quarters and nickels at almost any antique shop and thrift store, or sometimes even at flea markets. Pretty easy to find shops that sell them today. Those will be the coins to barter with if something ever happened to the US Dollar (if people are even willing to trade essential goods for silver that is). Otherwise you can go to any coin shop that specializes in silver and gold and buy full ounces or even full silver dollars (the really big coins). Don't concern yourself with silver bars unless you have a ton of fiat currency you want to liquidate and protect. In any case, when there is a massive economic crisis, essential goods to survive will always reign king (long-term food storage, clean water/water filtration, guns/ammo, tools & hardware accessories, extra clothing/underwear/socks/gloves/shoes/boots, extra first aid supplies and OTC meds, extra sanitation supplies)... silver will only protect whatever value you had invested with fiat currency. Digital accounts & ETFs will be useless, if you don't hold it you won't own it.