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Topic SuggestImprovement
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A room intended for user feedback. Leave a post if you have any suggestions to improve the site.
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The site seems interesting. Do posts remain up indefinitely? If so you may not get away with the same things you can on 4chan. Vis-ร -vis copyrights, you may have to err on the side of caution even more so.

But copyrights notwithstanding, it certainly removes the redundancy of having to see the same wallpapers over & over whenever the topic gets reposted on 4chan. Also nice is the fact that nothing is lost over time and that obscure edit some anon did 5 years ago will still be accessible. And you get one big comprehensive archive of a particular topic all in one place as opposed to temporarily hosted threads that pop up sporadically on 4chan. You'd have to frequent 4chan (like once a week) to get it all whereas with depvana you could just drop by once to get it all.

On the other hand, depvana may run into issues with how it organizes topics. You'd end up with lots of variants of topics with different rules (that is assuming everyone can post their own topic). The topic section then becomes cluttered. People get confused over the variations. Keeping track of a certain topic may become as much of a hassle as it is here.

And that's to say nothing of the moderation rules. If there's anything along the lines of hAtE sPeAcH policies I probably will only ever lurk there. And the internet is sick of being under the thumb of a spiteful transexual moderator on a power trip. That shit is already bad enough on 4chan. If the TOS is within reason & it's not run by power-hungry tranitors (and it really only takes one awful janitor to ruin a site) I would be very interested.

Do they allow users to edit their posts (i.e. reupload with an updated image)? If not, they should. Reuploads should also be tagged with an edit date to give people the heads up about an update.
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Been thinking about how this should look layout wise. Do you have any preferences?
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Thanks good idea, and btw nice comparison image. This will be implemented once we see more active users. In the mean time, I have reduced empty space on posts a little. Hopefully a step in the right direction.
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part 2) 

Wrt. keeping the structure of topics sensible. This not a trivial problem to solve. As of now, it is the responsibility of the site administrators to maintain a reasonable topic and subtopic structure. Topics can be moved under another topic with all its content and URL unchanged. Like moving a folder into another folder on a computer. The GENERAL RULE is that the topic of most generality will be the parent topic. 

For instance. Assume a topic /Tigers exist. Another user create a new topic "RedTigers" as a subtopic to /Cars. You would have the following structure: /Tigers, /Cars/RedTigers. A site mod could move "redtigers" to /Tigers resulting in structure: /Tigers/RedTigers, /Cars. Of cause the hope is that users for the most part will create topics at sensible locations.

In the case of two variations of essentially the same topic, they would either be two competing subtopics under the same parent topic, or they could be merged into one if the topic creators agreed.

In the case of a subtopic that could be placed under two different topics, the topic creator chooses the location. An upcoming planned feature will give the option of instead of creating a new subtopic, create a link to an already existing topic. Effectively behaving as if the topic were a subtopic to both parent topic. 

In the future this process will be more streamlined and users will be able to request a topic relocation or topic merging. The question is still up for debate and I suspect it will be a trial and error search with user feedback before the optimal solution is found. If you see problems or have a better way of maintaining a sensible structure pls let me know?

Wrt. to rogue moderators. Note, it is always possible to create a new competing topic where the users can choose which room they prefer. However, we haven't yet made a policy of when to strip rogue moderators of moderator status. What do you think?
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Everyone involved in this project are fed up with the suffocating censorship and ideological moderation seen on almost all platforms. No one wants Depvana to become a censorship demon like the rest of them. You bring up the great point:

"In absence of site-wide rules, the laws of the nation that the service is hosted in take precedent."

The servers are under the jurisdiction of Denmark. If we, against expectation have problems with this. Relocate servers we will.

With respect to funding. The plan is to mainly fund operations with user payments and to a lesser extend advertising. For user payment we are thinking about extra services and utilities. With the option for any payment to be settled in crypto currency. Many possibilities here which we will elaborate on later.

Regarding advertising. We do not collect data on users. What we plan offer advertisers is to choose which kinds of topic rooms they want to advertise in. Hence no user is targeted by advertisers individually, as is the case on other platforms.
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A compact view option. Reducing empty space between content; reducing the size of preview images; expanding the area text is displyed in horizontally; and reducing text size. This would allow more posts on screen at once, increasing the information density.

To note, I don't believe this should necesarily replace the current style, but instead be complementary to it through an option.

Attached is an example showing the information density relative to some competitors.
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*with a "show all subtopics" button
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Not necessarily though that would be a nice option to have (Maybe a summary when hovering over a topic).
I would like to see the current subtopics section in the bottom left replaced with "trending subtopics" with a "show all subtopics" that brings you to a page similar to the homepage's "general topics" page but of course, for subtopics. The "show all subtopics" page would have more granular options such as sorting. This may potentially be a good place to have a "show subtopics of subtopics" checkbox.
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I like how discord does it using Markdown.
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Just to make sure I follow. At any given topic, you want to see not just all subtopics, but also subtopics of subtopics etc.?
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Nice, yes this and additional sorting options, as you mention, would be need. We will improve this soon.
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Thank you for the suggestion. Do you have an example of a website that you think does this well?
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Yes you are right. WebM and other video formats will be implemented in the near future. However, video upload have some technical complications that need to be dealt before we can give a precise timeline.
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I agree, this feature is coming
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Support for WebM
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To note, markdown could conflict with the planned implementation of hashtags due to the character's use for titles.
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No worries. Completely understand, I wouldn't rush into it myself.

Good luck :)
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Thanks a lot for all of your great suggestions. They are highly appreciated. 

Do you have a link to the 4chan thread? I haven't been able to locate it (typical 4chan).

I love the foresightedness of your questions, but many of them are not trivial to answer. The team and I will need to think about them before we can provide an exhaustive answer. You can expect a complete answer within the next couple of days. 

Hope to hear from you again. Cheers
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# Formatting
I'd like to see a way of formatting posts. Markdown is a simple option.